Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
About Us
Turkish Association For The Study Of The Liver
We are researching every matter on liver and related and also supporting every research on it.
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As the Turkish Association For The Study Of The Liver, our aim is to encourage and support the research of the liver and all related issues as a Turkish association since 1992.

We are working to discuss, develop and improve the liver and liver-related research findings with our studies with many authorities in our field at home and abroad. In addition, we continue our efforts for liver diseases, their prevention, struggle and social awareness on these issues.

Turkish Association For The Study Of The Liver
Special Interest Working Groups

The aim of the groups is to create a platform for collective discussion and exchange of ideas by bringing together researchers, scientists, physicians and those interested in the subject from different disciplines who share a common interest in specialized fields.

Moleküler Hepatoloji ve Hepatik Fibrozis
Pediatrik ve Metabolik Hastalıklar
Hepato – Biliyer Neoplazm
Akut Karaciğer Yetmezliği
Karaciğer ve Sirozu Komplikasyonları
Otomimmün Karaciğer ve Biliyer Hastalıklar
İlaçlar ve Toksik Hepatit
Viral Hepatit Çalışma Grubu
To join our special interest study groups You must be a our member.

Find the group that suits you best!

In all matters about liver and related;

We do research,
We support research,
We support the trainings,
We discuss research findings with seminars at home and abroad.